Personal Training &

Sports Massage Courses

We provide Part-time & Full-time accredited qualifications.

The Latest from Our Blog

Student spotlight  Katy B: Pheonix Fitness

Student spotlight Katy B: Pheonix Fitness

What image comes into your head when you think of a personal trainer? Muscular, toned, fit and certainly not overweight. Katy is not your typical Personal Trainer.  She is the one that has had the courage to dismiss the social norm of a trainer, get educated and put...

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Life is busy but Sports Fitness Academy is here!!

Life is busy but Sports Fitness Academy is here!!

Life is busy. Three young children and a full time job working for South West College in Omagh, a husband that runs his own barbering business and a lengthy journey to and from work every week.  Starting up my own business seemed crazy. Why would you do that when you...

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Active Isolated Stretching (AIS)

Active Isolated Stretching (AIS)

Over the past few decades many experts have advocated that stretching should last up to 60 seconds. For a long time the gold standard has been a prolonged static stretch technique. However, prolonged static stretching can actually decreases the blood flow within the...

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EVOLVE Health and Fitness,
Northern Point Business Park, Ballybofey,
Co. Donegal. Ireland